I'm writing a short story about a guy named Evan that committed a murder, but I still don't know why Evan killed them. Suggestions?

Update: Okay y'all,I get that you think I'm not creative. But I'm 12 man, I've never written about a murder before so that is why my creativity isn't the best. At least for this story. But I thank you guys for the input.


The victim was not imaginative enough for Evan. He is compelled to kill anyone who he deems to lack sufficient creativity. You'd be on his short list. *Regarding your update, if you're 12 years old, you don't have any business using this site. These forums are for users aged 13 and over. Come back next year.


You're not a writer. You want someone else to write for you..


Then why are you writing it? Writers are story tellers. What is your story? Murder alone is an action NOT a story.


My name is Evan and I could tell you I didn’t murder anyone

tham153: consider the usual reason

consider the usual reason: secure an inheritance, vengeance, love rival, thrill kill, road rage, competitor at work/school/housing/etc.


For fun. Why else?


He is probably a thrill killer. He kills for the thrill of watching them die.


Then you are not writing any such book.