Thoughts on humanism?


Shiksa Genius

Humanism started as Christian Humanism. “To have displeased evil and ignorant men is the sure sign of genius and virtue...” ― Petrarch In his lifetime, Petrarch reconciled his two great ideals—Christianity and the classical culture of ancient Greece and Rome. By showing that the two were compatible, he began the humanist movement. Today, people call Petrarch the “father of humanism” and even the “first modern scholar.”


Yes, I'm sure some people have them.


Actually, there are almost as many definitions of “humanism” as there are “humanists”—or “antihumanists.” Traditionally, humanism is associated with the Renaissance. At that time Europe, and especially Italy, was being flooded by ancient manuscripts from Byzantium, which was under siege by the Turks. This resulted in a wave of enthusiasm for ancient Greek and Roman culture by people who were tired of dreary medieval scholasticism. After a thousand years of studying God under the oppressive hand of the Catholic Church, Renaissance Europeans were thrilled to imitate the ancients and glorify man for a change. Humanists are fond of quoting ancient Greek philosopher Protagoras, who said that “man is the measure of all things.” By this he meant that absolute truth cannot be found. Such thinking cannot coexist with true Christianity, for Christians are convinced that they have indeed found the truth, and that it has set them free. (John 8:32) Christians appreciate that Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, are the “measure of all things.”—Ephesians 5:1; 1 Peter 2:21. It is appropriate, then, for Christians to speak out against humanism, whether in its atheistic or in its “classical” guise. A true Christian could not accept the tenets of humanism without compromising his own integrity to God.


that people should treat each other with complete "human dignity", does not mean that they do. often, a person's ego will swell to such a tremendous size, that their own needs, will so out-weigh everyone else's, that they will do wrong to obtain them. most systems of thought are like the speed limit signs on the freeway, or the "ten commandments". surely because they exist, everyone must be living by them. true humanity is not something that is "ordered" for people to have, like evil, good also comes from within, as humanism.


Humans aren't superior to animals or other life forms. All forms are created by God to serve a divine purpose and not just to serve humans.


WTF how do some people still think the bible doesnt exist with all the evidence


Health, love, knowledge, money, fraternity, beauty, power.


Humanism in itself is not a bad philosophy, the problem is when humans point fingers at others and accuse them of racism, in order to gain political control, That's not practicing humanism, because they have ulterior motives. They consider their political gain first and foremost, then the person they may be defending second.


It depends on what you mean,in general it is good to respect human rights


God had given sixth sense to all human beings. This sense differentiates human beings from all other creatures of this earth. Today's developments in all aspects have occurred only because of this sixth sense.


As elj2017c has said, we have more than one definition. Nowadays it has become one of the euphemisms for atheism. Maybe atheists can rid themselves of this need they feel for euphemisms with an Atheist Pride movement - marches with chanting "I'm here, I'm atheist, get used to it." Do we need religion? I have a feeling that we do. I may be wrong about this, but I have a feeling that society needs the carrot-and-stick persuasion of either religion or government with very harsh punishments for people who step out of line. For generations, we've had a Big Brother watching us - what the atheists call the "sky daddy." Making fun of Him doesn't mean He won't be missed.


A huge fraud that preys on the stupid.