Parental permission for piercing?

Hi. So I really want an industrial piercing. I've done research on how to make it hurt less, take care of it, take it out etc etc. But my mom is pretty indifferent and won't let me get it. I'm 13, young I know, but I really do want it and I know money isn't an issue. I found a good shop near our house with amazing reviews on piercings. Any advice how to sway my mom to let me do it?


Will your school let you keep it in? (cartilage piercings take 6 months to properly heal; so if you can't let it heal, the responsible thing would be to wait until you can)


My mum never let me get piercings under the age of 18, and yes adults do have a habit of saying 'you'll regret it later', and 'you're too young'. But I can tell you one thing, I'm now 21 and since being 18 have had my industrial, nose, belly and nipple pierced, and I don't regret a thing. Piercings/tatts any of those kind of things imo is an expression of self, and if you do happen not to like it later well piercings at least you can remove, and for those people that say it'll leave a scar, not true. I had my nose re-pierced and the previous one didn't leave a mark. The only way it could scar is if the piercing rejects, which my belly did, and it did leave a scar, but I don't regret it. It was fun to have while I did and a few months of bio oil and it should be pretty much vanished. Just tell her you've done your research and if you regret it later well then that was your decision to make but you don't think you will, and you have looked into aftercare, reputable piercers and reviews, you're confident that it's what you want and you would really appreciate her permission to move forward with it. Parents can be difficult because they care about you, but stopping you from doing something as a teen doesn't stop you from doing it later. So it's a matter of accepting it now, or sometime down the track.


Show her your research. Show her how mature you can be by raising the money on your own for the piercing. If it is close to your 14th birthday, ask her for it as a birthday present or as a going into high school gift. Show her how much you want it over the span of a few months, so she can see that it is a long term want and not something that you're going to change your mind on. Industrial piercings are a pain to heal and highly temperamental so just keep that in mind. I was dead set on snakebites at your age and I am so glad that my parents said no. I changed my mind within a couple years. You change SO much between the ages of 13-18, so I can understand where your mom is coming from on saying no. In the end, if she still says no after all of this, then you're just going to have to respect that.


No. This is one of those situations where your mom is looking out for you and trying to prevent you from making a stupid decision. You'll just have to wait until you're 18 so you can have your pristine natural body defaced and impaled. BTW, don't expect to find a shop that will do it without a parent actually present and giving consent, because to just go ahead without that level of permission and do it they are at great risk of being sued.