Why do I have lines under my eyes?

I get these lines under my eyes when I smile. What are they?


They are called under eye wrinkles. I've had them since I was a young girl. But they did go away and came back. You will need to take good care of your skin to help them not to get any worse. I would stay away from the anti-aging stuff in the stores because that stuff can cause your problem to get worse if your not careful. I use witch hazel toner with Chamomile tea and vegetable glycerin. I use jojoba oil mixed with Apricot oil on my face twice a day. Plus I take collagen powder. If you wear make-up make sure that it doesn't sink into your wrinkles. I hope that this helps. :-)

Retired Mafia Moll

The proper term for those are called Character Lines.


happy lines makes your whole face light up when you smile


Everyone has them. It's normal. Even most children have these.


I have em too


They're wrinkles.