In the state of nevada can a parents take their child who is under the age of 26 off of their health insurance?


Casey Y

Yup, the law just permits parents to keep their kids on their requirement to do so though.


Of course. The Affordable Care Act made it so that parents CAN keep adult children on their plan until 26 IF the parent wants to. Parents are under zero legal obligation to insure their adult children.


yes. It's fed law - they MAY keep them on, don't HAVE to


Yes The state does not matters The law says you CAN remain on your parents insurance until 26 in no way does it say you must stay on it. Your parents are free to remove you the day you graduate HS or turn 18 which ever comes later.

Beverly S

Absolutely! No one is required to cover a 26 year old child.. they are allowed to if they choose.

Steve D

Yes. Federal law (the ACA which Nevada follows) only requires that insurance companies allow parents to continue child coverage until 26, not that parents must continue it.




Certainly, they can do so.


In the state of anywhere, a parent is not required to insure an adult child nor are they responsible for their medical bills without some sort of separate agreement somewhere.


No, unless the child has their own individual health insurance plan.