If you're injured in a car accident, can you collect for pain and suffering?

If my medical bills are $15,000, how much can I get for pain and suffering?


You may get something for pain and suffering only if you had pain and suffered. The amount? That varies and is negotiable. Ask for the moon and the stars, expect to get much, much less.


You need to give more information. Like are you at fault or not in this accident. If at fault, then get (zero). If not at fault, then how (much) insurance does the at fault driver have? If the at fault driver has the minimum limits and they are $15,000, then NO, since the medical bills must be paid back by (who) paid for them 1st, then IF, anything is left over goes to you. An injury settlement is (not) determined by how much your medical bills are, but (what) are your injuries? If minor like whiplash, then not worth very little. Did you have surgery? Did you go to rehab, any scarring or a permanent impairment or partial impairment? If you hire a lawyer, then (any) settlement you get, then the lawyer will take 33% of (your) settlement. As a retired auto adjuster, I would (never) give a number of what your settlement could be, since I don't have your file in front of me to see what your injuries are and what it is worth. For poster regerugged to say $75,000 is plain stupid, since (unless) you had a serious injury to go from $15,000 to $75,000 is unlikely. He has in the past used the (myth) of using 3 times or 5 times medical bills, which in my past in (every) company (never) used. So wait and see (what) they offer you to see if you qualify for or not. You don't have to accept their offer, but what the "initial" offer will tell you what they think your injury is worth.

Forty Licks

must be some injury for a bill that large. don't try and screw the system as it oftens backfires


Your fault? None. The other driver's fault? Up to the maximum of his / her medical payments coverage, and you'd need to get an accident lawyer to pursue it for you. That lawyer won't be cheap.


great question for a injury lawyer. find one


Depends on the insurance and the nature of your injuries.


It depends on your injuries, length and nature of treatment, permanency. You claim would also include out of pocket expenses and lost wages if any. I would say you are looking at a minimum of $75,000.

Robert S

One Million Dollars


Without an expensive lawyer, nothing.