Was this computer I picked up for free a scam?

I just picked up this pc for free from the Facebook market. The owner told me that it wouldn't power up and also bundled in some junk cables and a scanner for free as well. I looked at the pc and it seemed that the power button was broken and it fired right up. After looking at the specs, it turned out that it was a core i3 530 CPU and 8gb ddr3 memory. What concerning me is that my sister and her boyfriend are certain that it is a scam and that the pc was stolen. Do you think that this is the case? Incase you are wondering, the guy looked to be in his late 20s


Could be. What does it have deeply embedded as backdoor that allows the original owner to remotely manage the computer and you start doing you banking on it. I would seriously wipe the disk and do a total rebuild. Or buy a new faster disk + some RAM and rebuild. It could be stolen and have a build in tracker - so the moment you connect to the web the real owner knows where it is and reports it to the police.


You have absolutely no reason to think that... it was free who steals a PC then gives it away free on Facebook? That's riskier then trahsing it and also doesn't benefit the seller in any way. It just risks him getting caught for no reward. If he stole it he would trash it before advertising his stolen pc all over Facebook for free.


If it was a scam I think he'd have tried to get money from you for it. He had nothing to gain

New World Man

I doubt anythins up - if it were stolen, only two real reasons 1.) They want it for themselves - no if they are getting rid of it. 2.) They want to get something out of it - no since it's free. However, any used PC I have ever had the FIRST thing I always have done (once it dose power up) is reformat or replace the hd, and install my own OS - you just never know what is on there....


For years and years, ALL of my computers have been other peoples' discards, that I've either repaired or upgraded to make into decent machines. I think this guy just wanted to save himself a trip to the electronics recycling place. Congratulations on getting a nice machine for free.


No, he was probably just an idiot


I can't say I've ever heard of a person stealing a computer and then giving it away free. Perhaps there are some out there, but I've never heard of it. Usually computer thieves sell what they steal which is why a pawn shop is where they usually head to first. So the chances your computer is stolen is very low, imo. You said the power button appeared broken. well maybe to the original owner thought it was broken and he may not have even tried to power it on. Or the power cord may not have been plugged in all the way when he tried to power it up and hence no electricity going to the computer and he may have assumed it was broken since it wouldn't power up. There are lots of scenarios. But it being a stolen computer doesn't seem likely imo.


I suppose it is quite possible that it was stolen but why would a person steal it and then give it away for free? Doesn't make sense. If he was trying to get rid of a stolen computer why wouldn't he have just put it in a dumpster and not expose his identity to anyone. So I don't tend to think it's stolen. That's just my opinion. It's not a great computer but it will suffice for word processing tasks, simple games, and surfing the web.


Based upon the information that you've provided, it doesn't seem like a scam since you paid and received the product in the expected and described condition. It's impossible to know if it was stolen unless you can get some information from the data on the hard drive. And even then, it's difficult to know. Considering it's specifications, you'll find it difficult to run Windows 7 let alone most modern games. It's good enough for internet and word processing, and that's about it.

Captain Anchovy

its amazing that some people will give away or just throw out stuff that can be quite easily fixed. i dont think its a scam. just use and enjoy it.


The processor is 8 or 9 years old -- and if the laptop appears heavily used it really is not worth that much. But what is a "facebook market" and why is this guy giving pc's on it? This is not a pair of old shoes, and if you are typing sensitive information into it, you have a right to be asking questions.


You got it for FREE. So you lose nothing. Don't matter if it is stolen or not however if it was stolen then the thief does not know how to conduct a business very well. Stealing it means he should sell it for coin.


seems like a scam


Unlikely to be stolen. Keep a record of all your chat logs with him though just in case. Far more likely he has a new PC and can't be bothered to get rid of the old one himself (especially if he thinks it is broken - he probably just wants shot of it)




No I have Built several computers from free parts BUT WARNING get a new hard drive and destroy the free one


If it was a scam, then it was you who scammed that guy out of his computer. Not on purpose, but who got the better deal here?

Smokies Hiker

Very likely a stolen computer. As soon as it's turned on, the location can be traced if proper apps were installed.


I’d get the hard drive checked by the authorities if I were you. Heaven knows what could be on it.....

Mr HandymanJACK

people in their 20's are the WORST. Yea it's a scam. Send it to me before something happens!