Spices: What kind of cinnamon is the safest to use, and what kind does the food industry use ?

To me Saigon cinnamon is more aromatic than Ceylon. Immediate ten points. @Smarty what about Coumadin?

Mr. Smartypants

There are no really dangerous forms of cinnamon, unless you're doing the 'cinnamon challenge'. Cinnamon is ground tree bark, after all, and if you put a spoonful of very finely ground tree bark in your mouth a lot of it is going to end up in your lungs. Which is not good. But EATING it is not dangerous, in fact there's good stuff in cinnamon. Most cinnamon sold in the US is actually cassia. Cassia is sometimes called 'cassia cinnamon', suggesting it's some variety of cinnamon, but apparently that's doubtful. Real cinnamon is different, and a lot more expensive. The food industry, of course, usually uses whatever's cheapest, which is cassia. There are so many different kinds of cinnamon that I'm surprised someone doesn't sell a cinnamon sampler, with like 1 gram of various different kinds.


I order all of my cinnamon from King Arthur Flour Co. (look it up online). Their products are clean, and they sell to restaurants and other members of the food industry.


I'd prefer Saigon cinnamon. I've seen USA food industry purchase worse,


what about coumadin and cinnamon? They are not made from the same thing and only have an issue if eaten together. NOT unlike many other foods and medication. You also cannot eat leafy green veggies when on coumadin and should avoid other foods as well. https://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/BuyingUsingMedicineSafely/EnsuringSafeUseofMedicine/GeneralUseofMedicine/UCM229033.pdf Scroll down to find blood thinner and food interactions.


Saigon cinnamon is the better one, BUT it does have a tendency to lose its strength quickly unless kept in a dark dry place. And use it sparingly-it is quite strong.


I like the higher oil percentage Saigon.


I like Saigon.

