Help! 2 year old won’t walk?

I have a just turned 2 year old girl who refuses who walk. It’s starting to worry me. She’s taken steps before and with walk along the furniture and other things. We will stand her up and she will just drop down to her knees and knee walk which she has gotten really good at lol. We’ve taken her to the doctor, they ran xrays and sent us to a specialist but they say everything looks fine. Any suggestions on how to push her to start walking on her own? We’re stuck and it saddens us that she can run around with all her other friends.


My daughter was like that, turned out she was just lazy.


If a physical problem has been ruled out, she will walk when it is more beneficial to her to do so than it is to crawl.


Her walking may be delayed for some reason so I'd take her to a different doctor because she might be handicapped or something.


What specialist? Were they a pediatric neurologist? Did they do other neurological exams with her limbs and hands?


Try a different doctor? Is she overweight? If so, reduce the diet to only healthy foods, fruits/veges/meats.


I would walk with the baby, hand & hand, with your partner. One person walking with your toddler may be too much pressure, but both of you will provide balance. It will also help her to get around with you both while upright. This may be a stupid question, but have you tried the baby walker variations? My baby used a stationary play table with a walker that would go around the table & he was walking by eleven months. Last thing, if your toddler walks along furniture have her try walking to you & give her an incentive (toy, dessert, favorite fruit) with applause. Don't give her the incentive when she crawls. I hope this helps.


Autism. I’m guessing you haven’t took her for check ups?


Typical lazy parent Rush a child to a doctor,look for fake illness, look for anything to balme but them selves. Your child is just lazy. The child does NOT have Autsim. She's lazy She wont' walk since there's no need for her. Lazy mommy and daddy will just label her with Autisim then coddle her and carry her every every where instead of MAKING her walk