Introduction To Chemistry Pre Lab Questions , Please Help Me , Its my first time doing it?


Trevor H

I continue to be amazed and concerned that students still exhibit a total refusal or inability to read a set of instructions that are very clear. As Roger has pointed out , the answers to your questions are laid out in detail in the instruction sheet that you have been given . To help you I will answer your questions by quoting exactly what is in the instructions: 1. What are the components of the mixture? Table salt , sand , charcoal, benzoic acid , glycerol. 2. What mass of the initial mixture will you use? sample of approximately 2 grams of the mixture 3. How many layers of filter paper will you use for the hot filtration? filter through two layers of filter paper 4. How long must you allow crystals to dry? Allow crystals to dry for 1 week undisturbed in your lab drawer 5. What must be happening with the solution immediately before the hot filtration? While the mixture is boiling(it must be boiling during the filtration) I trust that you realise that I have copied and pasted these answers directly from what you have submitted. There is absolutely no need to search or hunt for these details. I can only agree further with Roger : READ the question data - If you do not understand: READ THE DATA AGAIN.

Roger the Mole

Read the instructions and the procedure. All the answers are there.

Jamie: Procedure

Procedure: Set up an apparatus Mass a sample of approximately 2 grams of the mixture into a tared 250ml beaker. Add about 100 ml of distilled water to the mixture and stir well While continuing to stir heat the mixture to boiling While the mixture is boiling(it must be boiling during the filtration) remove the beaker from the heat with beaker tongs and filter through two layers of filter paper into another clean beaker(hot filtration) Heat the filtrate to boiling, once it starts to boil remove the filtrate from the heat, use an ice bath to cool the filtrate. When crystallization is complete, filter and observe(cold filtration) Allow crystals to dry for 1 week undisturbed in your lab drawer Determine and record the melting point of the crystals at the beginning of the next lab. _____________Above is the Procedure____Below Are the questions I must answere,,,please help ... Pre Lab Questions 1. What are the components of the mixture? 2. What mass of the initial mixture will you use? 3. How many layers of filter paper will you use for the hot filtration? 4. How long must you allow crystals to dry? 5. What must be happening with the solution immediately before the hot filtration?