Allen, Bob and Dan have stamps in a ratio of 12: 4 : 6. If bob scored 60 points how many points did they score altogether?


Puzzling: A:B:C = 12:4

A:B:C = 12:4:6 But then you are told that Bob scored 60 points. Currently the number in the middle for Bob is 4, so multiply everything by 15. A:B:C = 180 : 60 : 90 Those are the actual number of stamps/points for each person. Adding them up we get: 180 + 60 + 90 = 330

alex: 12: 4 : 6 = 6:2

12: 4 : 6 = 6:2:3 --->total points = (6+2+3)(60/2) = 330

Captain Matticus, LandPiratesInc: 12:4:6 = x:60

12:4:6 = x:60:7 12/4 = x/60 3 = x/60 3 * 60 = x 180 = x 4:6 = 60:y 4/6 = 60/y 2/3 = 60/y y * 2 = 60 * 3 y = 60 * 3 / 2 y = 90 180 + 60 + 90 => 240 + 90 => 330


Allen, Bob and Dan have stamps in a ratio of 12: 4 : 6. If Bob scored 60 points, they scored 330 points altogether.