Change the radical sqrt(3/8) into simplest radical form A/B sqrtC, where A,B, and C are integers.?


?: // One more answer to look at

// One more answer to look at: √(³⁄₈) = √3 ---- = √8 √3 ------- = √(2³) √3 ----- = 2√2 √3.....√2 ----- • ----- = 2√2....√2 √6 ----- = 2(2) √6 ---- = 4 ¹⁄₄ √6 ................ANS


√3 / √8 = √3 √8 / 8 = √24 / 8 = 2 √6 / 8 = √6 / 4

Michael E

sqrt(3/8) = sqrt(3)/sqrt(8) = sqrt(8)/sqrt(8) * sqrt(3)/sqrt(8) = sqrt(8)*sqrt(3) / sqrt(8)*sqrt(8) = sqrt(3*8)/8 = 1/8 sqrt(24)

llaffer: You have

You have: √(3/8) We want to rationalize the denominator. 8 has a perfect square factor (4) which would leave 2, so if we multiply both halves of the fraction by √2, the denominator will be a perfect square: √(3/8) * √(2/2) = √(6/16) The root of a quotient is the same as the quotient of the roots, so: √(6) / √(16) Denominator can now simplify, so: √(6) / 4 To put it in the form you are looking for: (1/4) √6