Is Quranic Arabic something different from Modern formal written Arabic?



Yes, absolutely.


The difference might be compared to that between the King James Bible, or Shakespeare, and modern English. Obviously, Shakespeare didn't have words for things like internet, phone, airplane, so these have been created. On the other hand, some words are hardly used today: "smite" or have changed their usage: to "know" a woman. There have been some grammatical changes as well: no one uses thou, thee, thy, thine nor also hither, whither, thither. All these words are still part of the language, but anyone using them today in normal language would sound ridiculous. The Qur'aan was written within a tradition of poetry, of which it is the foremost example. It would be inappropriate and absurd to use the style of Qur'aanic language for ordinary purposes, just as it would be to attempt to "speak Shakespearean". The Wiki article linked above gives a good overview. I would consider that they are two registers or varieties of essentially the same language. An Arab can hardly be educated in one without the other. I should add that this is only my personal understanding.

Good Man

To some extent only . Quran has restricted the Arabic language around it. Arabs , even if want to leave the quranic language , cannot quit it or change meanings of the words


yes , it's more disgusting , we hear it five times a day