Are there any sports where a woman is the best in the world?



I found a website where that question was asked and answered. I cannot confirm the accuracy of the answers, but apparently there are a number of events and activities where no man has yet matched a record or level set by a woman. They include: Long distance swimming Free diving, depth without scuba or other gear Speed climbing and/or free climbing Equestrian events (no specific named) Discus throw (but it's a lighter discus for women) Bicycling distance for 12 hours Apparently while males are capable of great bursts of muscular exertion, females have greater stamina, so the longer an event lasts, the more likely a female is to excel.The female's smaller strength to weight ratio also helps her in climbing events.


Is cooking a sport? Cause it'd be that. Ok, seriously, jokes aside. Women's basketball, because only women play. Yep.




I would think gymnastics and ice skating. If we consider dancing a sport then dancing as well.




Guilt tripping and Grudge holding.