Looking to Travel Next Year, Any Advise?

Last year I was dying to travel to certain places. Now I'm in a completely different place than last year and I'm ready for some new challenges. Any advise?


Machu Picchu Peru. Prague, Czech Republic. Have fun

Rona Lachat

Pick a place and go. Draw a place from a hat. Throw a dart at a map or whatever. Do what you can afford. No one can guess if you want some warm adventure. A big city thing. Maybe some off in the wilds winter vacation of skiing a summer bike ride through forests or whatever it is you think a vacation adventure should be. You DO NOT have to plan it all yourself. Travel Agents do this for their living. Why not take advantage of their experience and knowledge of other places to help you plan something in your budget. Shall I guess if you want some white water rafting, cliff diving or live theatre on your adventure. A road trip where you drive place to place or maybe a train or bus ride is what you want to explore other place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at_f98qOGY0