How to practice dancing at home?

How to practice dancing at home for a hobby? I can do fortnite dances and teach me how to dougie and the Carlton dance and the Michael Jackson moon walk and whip nae nae . I want to get better at dancing for fun.


Don't you think you'd enjoy dancing in a class or going to parties where there'll be dancing?

Md Selim

Don't you think you'd enjoy dancing in a class or going to parties where there'll be dancing?


Create some plan or challenge for yourself, and stick to it like you do with the boring ones (study, work...). For example, every day watching one video plus 15+ minutes of dancing, or every week one more move learned... Something you can measure. Cut yourself some slack with the goals because, like you say, it is a hobby, but having some kind of routine in place is good...


You're an idiot.


I love Jesus. He gives me more happiness than what I would get from dancing, singing or anything else, not that I don't have hobbies. It's just that Jesus gives me more happiness than any of them.