Descartes compares observ. situations where we r mislead, & sit. tht seem impossible 2 doubt wht we perceive. wht r the 2 kinds of situat?



Of the many things I thought about as a truck driver was that of the nervous system and its ability to stimulate. The stimulation must be adequate to move 80,000 pounds of mass at the average speed of 65 mile an hour. What that breaks down to is a mass moving at 95 feet per second. My nervous system is being stimulated by things my conscious awareness will never know. In the end I had to figure it out on my own. The reason I ate so much is because my nervous system was being stimulated so much that the unconscious activity felt it needed to replenish the energy used. Somehow it did not take into account the fact that my body was inert and not using so much energy. The end result was overweight clogged arteries and a hospital visit for ten days. The only solution was to retire from truck driving and find something less damaging to me. I suppose such people as Socrates and Descartes helped add to some of my way of thinking while doing a modern thing. I can't sit around thinking without earning a living. That was about the best I could do.


Cn u rite a full sntnce proprly?

Sir Caustic

Wow. You sound like you're a real idiot. Hooo-eeh!


It seems that you have been misled into thinking it's OK for someone else to answer your schoolwork questions and that your teacher condones it. EPIC FAIL.


And John Henry Newman observed the opposite. Most likely most of what we believe is true or approaching truth so we should hold on to what we know and just purify it. Descartes says most of what we know is false so jettison the whole thing in radical scepticism


he claims "although the senses occasionally mislead us respecting minute objects, and such as are so far removed from us as to be beyond the reach of close observation, there are yet many other of their informations (presentations), of the truth of which it is manifestly impossible to doubt; as for example, that I am in this place, seated by the fire, clothed in a winter dressing gown, that I hold in my hands this piece of paper, with other intimations of the same nature." Can someone please explain?

Prasad: The Correspondence Theory of Truth https

The Correspondence Theory of Truth What is true for you may not be so for me.

Doctor P

Nothing Is perfectly True and Everything Is Possible