We now have proof Trump Jr DID NOT call Trump about russia tower meeting.2 yrs worth of CNN lies and liberal brainwashing will it ever end ?

liberal TURD media has been telling us for 2 years that the blocked numbers called that day were to Trump and that equals "collusion". Now the senate report proves it is all bullcrap and Trump jr called his business associates to discuss russian adoption laws. MORE PROOF the actual collusion is between hillary and the turd media. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=trump+jr+did+not+call&ia=news https://www.newsweek.com/record-shows-trump-jr-did-not-call-father-prior-trump-tower-meeting-1314152


Liberal media is about as trustworthy as 4th hand gossip at the local tavern.

Big One 0909

It was either Stalin or one of the other Leftist idols who said "If you tell a lie long enough and strong enough, eventually everyone will believe it" Stalin was right about that and the Created News Network and BS-NMC both know it well.

W.T. Door

CNN will stand by their lies.