New to credit score, is this a good idea?

As an idea to have better control of my finances, can I open a bank account/debit card in two separate places (like, one in bank of america and one in wells fargo).. and every time I get paid, transfer the amount I know will be all of my bills into one of them (wells fargo), have that account set to auto-pay on everything.. meanwhile to keep whatever is left over on my bank of america account, knowing this can be spent? is this possible? is it a good idea?

Diane A

People have accounts wherever thy want, although whether there is any gain, you would have to determine account fees ets. Two bank accounts won’t increase your credit score however.


Debit cards/bank accounts do not build credit. But autopay is long as the money is in the account. I have all my credit cards on auto pay. But I always have money in the account.

real estate guy

NOT sure why you think 2 bank accounts is needed. I have one checking account. My pay check is direct deposit. I pay my bills each month (online, check and auto pay, depending on the situation). I also have a money market/investment account where I have a auto transfer each month of money that I SAVE. You say "knowing this can be spent". WRONG. You really need to be saving at least 10% of your gross monthly income PLUS maxing out your 401k plan.

DR + Mrs Bears face

having 2 bank accounts is a good idea. However it makes no difference to your credit score. It also gives no benefit to have the 2bd account at a different bank rather than the same bank.


Stick with just one bank. Easier to transfer funds between checking and savings. If you expect your savings to be small, keep all of your money in your checking account.


could work well