Just brought a house (FHA loan ) and want to sell it , is it possible ? what are the steps I have to take?


real estate guy

Of course. Talk with a realtor and see what the home is worth. Put it on the market, sell it and at settlement, the lawyer will pay off the FHA loan. And money left over is your profit (tax free). However, if you don't sell the place for enough to cover the FHA loan, realtors fee and your closing costs, then you MUST bring a check to closing to cover the different.


The same process as any seller. Hire a realtor, or sell it yourself.

Pascal the Gambler

You sure can. List it, sell it.


Sure it's possible, even likely. Why would you sell a house you just bought?? You realize you're likely to take a 10 - 20,000+ loss right??


of course, as long as you can pay off the loan....often does not happen with added closing costs.


Talk to a realtor who will guide you thru the sales process. It is possible to sell it immediately. If this was a first time home buyer deal then it wouldn't be a bad idea to wait at least 6 months but even still you can sell the house.