Locked keys in car how do I unlock without key 2002 ford escape?



Use a rag and a wide screwdriver to gently pry the drivers door open enough that you can put a coat hanger through the gap and push the electric door lock switch to open the door.


Call an auto locksmith. They'll use tools to break in without damaging your car. And get a spare key from them while you're there... If you don't want to pay for a new million dollar chipped key, just buy a blank on e-bay for $10 and get it cut to your profile. It won't start the car, but at least you can unlock it.

DR + Mrs Bears face

Hi so it's a wire coat hanger job.


Use the second set of keys. However it has an electronic locking system and you should not be able to lock the doors with the keys inside.


if you belong to triple a they come out and it costs you nothing. you have a friend or relative who belongs to triple a they can use it for your car but that aaa member will have to be at the car with you when they show up.


Call an automotive locksmith out. Your car insurance might even cover the cost of that.


Break the window. Use the spare door key you made and have hanging in your house.