What do these results from h2testw on my supposed "32gb" flash drive mean?

So I was cleaning up just yesterday and I came across an old flash drive that was labeled as a 32gb one, turns out thing was used as an Xbox 360 game drive and I had quick formatted it on Windows so the thing became inaccessable and unreadable, a couple of format troubleshoots later and I got it to working order. So I decide to fire up h2testw but can't read the results (been a long time). Can someone tell me what the results mean? Results: Error reading file 'E:\4.h2w', offset 0x0. (The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable. Code 1392) Warning: Only 32703 of 32704 MByte tested. The media is likely to be defective. 0 KByte OK (0 sectors) 3 GByte DATA LOST (6291456 sectors) Details:191.5 KByte overwritten (383 sectors) 0 KByte slightly changed (< 8 bit/sector, 0 sectors) 2.9 GByte corrupted (6291073 sectors) 191.5 KByte aliased memory (383 sectors) First error at offset: 0x0000000000000000 Expected: 0x0000000000000000 Found: 0x00000006ffd00000 H2testw version 1.3 Writing speed: 6.26 MByte/s Reading speed: 5.13 MByte/s H2testw v1.4

DR + Mrs Bears face

Hi so technology has moved on since DOS and FAT32 to NTFS file systems.