Scratching in my bedroom walls?

okay first of all there is no area for rats of vermin in my walls, most of the inner walling is solid cement. However many times when I’ve been in my room I’ve heard extremely loud scratching inside them, especially at night. I also hear lots of scratching above me, yet there isn’t any space between my ceiling and the upstairs floor. is this paranormal, as it sounds like something trying to claw its way in.


Of course there's space between your ceiling and the floor above. There's wooden framing holding up the floor, and that means there's space there for vermin. Same with the walls. I doubt if the walls are built as you describe; there are spaces that you aren't aware of. Is it paranormal: don't be stupid. This is the real world, not Hogwarts. It's probably mice.


Always look for the logical answer first. Regardless of your seemingly excellent knowledge of the structure of the house you live in, it's 100 times more likely to be a rodent than a ghoul.


there is space bewteen the celing and upstairs..! i promise you


Of course there's space between your ceiling and the floor above. There's wooden framing holding up the floor, and that means there's space there for vermin. Same with the walls. I doubt if the walls are built as you describe; there are spaces that you aren't aware of. Is it paranormal: don't be stupid. This is the real world, not Hogwarts. It's probably mice.


there is space bewteen the celing and upstairs..! i promise you