Please help quick!?

So I’ll make this quick into the point. My hamster is always fought so we had to separate them the mean one is peanut in the nice one is chestnut. Well I decide to put them together today to see if anything had changed, and peanuts attacked chest nut . I didn’t think anything of it until I heard him squeak and saw that peanut head wrapped chestnuts skin and for around his eyes so that this could be pulled back to expose the red and raw part of his eye. I didn’t think anything of it until I heard him squeak and saw that peanut head wrapped chestnuts skin and for around his eyes so that the Kenwood could be pulled back to expose the red and raw part of his eyes I don’t know what to do, I’m scared I don’t want him to get an infection, he looks OK he’s doing fine running around and everything is not squeaking anymore but I don’t know if it hurts. It’s bleeding so the blood is probably getting it in his eye a little bit, I know this is bad but I have no clue what to do. Do I need to put something on it so doesn’t get infected, can he go blind? I hope this made enough sense so that you guys can help me! P.s. i’m sorry for spelling mistakes I wrote this fast !!


I hope you learned a valuable lesson today that you will never repeat....... NEVER KEEP HAMSTERS IN THE SAME CAGE. At this point, your only responsible action would be to get the hurt hamster to the vet and spend a couple of hundred dollars for them to attempt surgery, antibiotics, fluids, constant nursing care and probably an incubator.


He needs to see a vat asap if he hasn't already. Never keep syrian or chinese hamsters together, dwarfs can only be housed together if they were raised together and if there is any fighting at all they need to be separated permanently.


The hurt one needs to go to the vet. You need to separate them and keep them apart. Hamsters are not friends, they like living alone.


Sorry for the repetitive paragraph!!! *peanut ripped chestnuts skin and fur around one of his eyes, to where it can be pulled back to expose his raw skin... it’s now bleeding