Are 2 months between 2 sex encounters enough to determine paternity? 1 intercourse on 4Aug and another on 4Oct. Ultrsasound matches 4Oct?



Yes, that should be enough of a time frame to eliminate the first person. Did you have a period after having sex in August? Edited to add: looking at your other question, you did have a period so yes, your boyfriend is the father of your child. You are having guilt over having had sex with someone else, and the hormones of pregnancy are probably contributing to the obsessive fear. The fear is not based in reality.


Two months should certainly be long enough. You should have had a period after the guy in August - and a period always means that sex didn't result in pregnancy. Now, if you are one of those gals that only has periods every three or four months - then the ultrasound still wins and two months is long enough for the second guy to be the lucky daddy.


The October's guy is the winner. Or loser depending upon his point of view. Congratulations

