If you're a Russian immigrant in Israel serving as Prime Minister--what deceptions will you use so the US govt will donate more $ to Israel?


Stainless Steel

Shave your jew legs, slap on your pink Daisy Dukes and start singing your "papa can you hear me" crappy tune. Do that right in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA and watch Donald throwing you a bone. Do some back flips too, just for the anti-semi spectators, feel me?


Hello "American Noodle", Although pro-Palestinians choose to ask about United States Aid to Israel, a sizable amount also goes to Egypt and even more to Afghanistan. Afghanistan receives the most U.S. military aid: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-12-21/here-are-the-countries-that-get-the-most-foreign-aid-from-the-us/9278164 Please see the following for further information and I would suggest the reader scroll down to the heading: “U.S. security assistance, by country”: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/world/which-countries-get-the-most-foreign-aid/ What of your money that goes to the Palestinians? Research on the Internet indicates that there is a lack of any proper international auditing to ensure that your International Aid to the Palestinians, is not spent by them for military / terrorist purposes. It is neither accurate (nor moral) to separate a party paying for terrorism to be carried out as does the Palestinian Authority, from any entity who fund them. BOTH such entities support terrorism. Let’s examine what happens to the Aid Money in reality your tax money (in whichever country you live), that is sent to the Palestinians: 1) ON WHAT DO THE PALESTINIANS SPEND YOUR AID: Correlation of increase in Aid, with increase in Palestinian violence: http://www.meforum.org/1926/does-foreign-aid-fuel-palestinian-violence 2) ON WHAT DO THE PALESTINIANS SPEND YOUR AID: https://www.quora.com/What-does-Palestine-do-with-all-their-money-that-they-get-from-Foreign-Aid 3) ON WHAT DO THE PALESTINIANS SPEND YOUR AID: Rewarding Palestinian Terrorists with Pensions: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/11/british-american-aid-subsidises-palestinian-terrorism While there is no evidence that Israel targets civilians, the Palestinians are addicted to ethnic-hatred of Jews and target Israeli Jewish civilians as policy. The Palestinians cynically whitewash their anti-Jewish hate-war as: “uprising”, “defence”, “desperation”, “struggle”, “resistance”. If Palestinians injure or kill an Israeli Jew including children, and the Palestinian terrorist is imprisoned as a result, the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation pay a reward-“pension” to the family of the attacker (an example of which see further down) - No wonder then that anti-Semites feel such emotional-attachment to the Palestinians!: - - - - Start of extract: - - - - “The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund is a fund operated by the Palestinian Authority for the purpose of paying a monthly cash stipend to the families of Palestinians killed, injured or imprisoned for involvement in attacking, assisting in attacking, or planning to attack Israel, or for other types of politically-inspired violence, including riots, violent demonstrations, and throwing rocks, and also for paying cash stipends to the families of [Palestinian] innocent bystanders killed during violent events. In addition, it provides pocket money to all Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli jails for ordinary crimes.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund - - - - End of extract - - - - The “Palestinian Authority” (which together with the P.L.O. pays the terrorism reward-“pension” of their “Martyrs Fund”, and also funds “Hamas”) is itself funded by the “European Union”. Thus do many European countries since the Second World War, give outlet to their long-held anti-Semitic desire to see Jews killed; only now by proxy, through funding the Palestinian Arabs who conduct their ongoing war of ethnic-hatred, murder, and territorial ambitions, against Israeli Jews. Palestinian Authority uses its Foreign Aid to reward terrorism: http://nypost.com/2017/07/28/palestinian-authority-now-uses-half-of-all-foreign-aid-to-reward-terror/ Here is an example result from the Palestinian on-going anti-Jewish hate-war: Israeli girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel age 13, fatally stabbed in her bedroom in West Bank” by a Palestinian terrorist, June 30, 2016. (Please see the source which I have put into the “Sources” area of this answer.) 4) ON WHAT DO THE PALESTINIANS SPEND YOUR AID: Diverting construction-materials into making Attack-Tunnels: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/21/world/middleeast/hamas-tunnels-gaza-strip-israel.html?_r=0 5) ON WHAT DO THE PALESTINIANS SPEND YOUR AID - Corruption: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/6353/palestinians-us-aid The Palestinians have no incentive to renounce hate and conflict, and to sincerely negotiate peace, because while the E.U. pays “lip-service” to supporting a two-state solution and respecting Israeli security, the E.U aid “may” be used for Palestinian terrorism. As the E.U. in reality are fully-aware, the Palestinians do NOT support a two-state solution but instead seek ALL the land of Israel as shown by what is taught by the Palestinian education system, and from the “Palestinian National Charter”. The “European Union” therefore intentionally-funds the Palestinian war of ethnic-hatred against Israel, by providing the Palestinians with prodigious ready-cash, and political support. After all, there is no proper E.U. auditing as to how E.U. “aid” to the Palestinians is spent, and both the E.U. and the Palestinians are well-aware of this. - - - - Start of extract: - - - - “The new 2013 report of the Court [European Court of Auditors] reveals that $2.7 billion in direct aid [foreign aid given by the European Union] to the Palestinians between 2008 and 2012 could not be accounted for and appeared to be lost. In addition, EU investigators who visited Jerusalem and areas on the West Bank were unable to obtain information or speak to Palestinian officials about corruption in the areas they controlled.” http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2013/10/the_unsurprising_corruption_of_palestinian_authorities.html - - - - End of extract - - - - United States Aid to the Palestinians. (Please see the source which I have put into the “Sources” area of this answer.) I hope this helps. Robert.


Ask Hillary how ‘she’ did it..to Russia and Iran.

Simple Simon

In WW2 Arabs supported Germans and Japanese. In Cold War Arabs supported Russians. In Gulf War Palestinians supported Saddam Hussein. On 9-11 Palestinians danced on the streets. Today Palestinians beg for our aid... Do you see my middle finger?

Yoel Cohen

Why isn't Russia doing more to support Israel? Its actually not helping Israel at all. It doesn't matter what your background is only what you've done. Jews are smart obviously. We aren't called the Chosen People for nothing. My rabbi was telling me the Talmud says "Jews are the heart and conscience of the world". Our main goal is to teach people what it means to have humanity. Supporting Israel is supporting humanity. Being intelligent isn't a crime. Orthodox Jew


exactly what Netanyahu did .


Promise an oil producing area Israel has not captured yet to be named The Trump Towers after its new USA owner.