Ladies, where do you put all of your cosmetics when you're living with someone ?

For instance, I'm going to be living with my boyfriend soon, it'll be the first time living with someone. We have a one bedroom. Where should I put all of my makeup? Bot sure if the bathroom would fit or bedroom?


Get a small vanity




I keep mine on my desk/ a little storage area.


I keep my makeup in a makeup bag next to my mirror in my bedroom :)


I also live with my boyfriend and my makeup are all stocked in a plastic drawers in the bedroom


Get a Caboodle and leave in his bathroom under the sink


I do my makeup in the bathroom, so I keep my makeup there. I have one large container for my makeup that holds everything. I keep it under the sink, and whenever I want to apply makeup, i bring it out. Inside this large container I have a smaller makeup bag that holds all of my daily products, things like my eyeliner, mascara, my basic eyeshadow palette, things like that. If i want something a bit less 'normal' than my daily look, I go back into the larger container. Inside that larger container I also have a makeup bag that holds all of my brushes. There are brush holders and things, but the bathroom doesn't have a ton of counter space so I keep it all in containers and makeup bags under the sink.


I have a large dressing table everything goes in or on there

Steven S

Living with him? He should already understand that you, just like him, have items you need room for. Make sure this is clear before the move is made. My girlfriend and I were well aware of the others needs for equal space when she moved in with me.

B00ty Warrior

find a closest like box to put them in

Jackie M

I keep mine beside the mirror in the bedroom