How do you get credit?

I keep getting denied things because I don't have enough credit


You apply for it. If you have no credit or poor credit apply for a secured card.


First, you stop. If you keep trying, then you will keep getting denied. They look at your record of how many times you have tried in the last 1-2 years. After going more than a year without trying -- not even once -- you then try only one time for only a secured card or only a Capital One card. You might not be denied, if you try only for one of those two types of credit and you have not tried to get any credit in over a year. If you are denied, you do not try again. You stop and wait over a year before trying again.


You get a credit card (usually a "secured" card at first) from a bank, use it often, pay off your bill in full every month, never miss a payment, never be late with a payment -- and over time you will build your credit score. It takes a relatively long time to build a good credit score.


start with a secured card.


Borrow and repay money.

Ron Paul 2012

start off with either a secured credit card or a credit builder loan such as self lender


By using a credit card, and paying the bill on time every month.


Save up some money, say $1000. Go to the bank and open a CD with the money. Then borrow $1000 secured by the CD. Pay it back according to terms and on time. Repeat if necessary.


Stop applying. But discover secured card will probably approve you. If you send $500, that will be your limit.


Most people start with a phone or electric bill that they pay on time or sooner