What's better; Roku, Firestick, or Apple TV?

and why? Or ChromeCast? Any that I'm missing?


I personally like the Apple TV. Works well with my iOS & macOS devices & offers pretty much the same services that a Roku & Firestick would offer in terms of streaming content.

David E

Depends on what you want to do. Roku is good all around. Firestick is best for amazon stuff Apple is best and often the only thing that will do Apple media Chromecast is best for google properties. Then there is how you want to control it. With your phone or on the TV screen. Selecting one depends on a number of factors that you will just have to weigh. Me, I have a chrome cast and it travels with me. I have a Travel Router and a MiFi, both that create the same network as my home. I use it on hotel TV's when there is enough bandwidth.