Why does it seem men and their circle of friends usually make the most of their time more than women?

Guys meet up to drink beer, work on cars or play video games or start a podcast. And all the women I know or known just want to drink wine in their kitchen. It's boring! Why is it so hard to find women who want to bond and make memories with. Do you think it's true guys are better friends?


I have a hard time with female friendships too due to lack of motivation or interest in outdoorsy stuff. Sometimes doing things alone is better than not doing anything ? maybe you'll meet people/friends along the way.. Just get out more


Chances are that you are probably looking in the wrong spot when it comes to meeting people. What I think you need to do is start putting yourself in environments where you will meet people who you will share a chemistry with. For example, joining various interest groups and social clubs are great places of meeting like minded individuals. Doing that will increase your chances of meeting people who you will share a chemistry with meaning there will be less of a chance of you getting bored or frustrated. Also, if you are looking to date try not to invest too much emotionally into a guy until you are 100% sure of the guy's intentions. I know it sounds cliche but it can be really hard not to fall for a guy after a couple of good dates.