What does my ex mean by this?

My ex girlfriend and I dated for 4 years and broke up back in October. Our relationship was tricky because for the last two years as she lived two hours away for med school. She ended things because it was too complicated to continue our relationship. I was heartbroken for months. However, I was able to work through it and "find myself." I started dating someone new and became "Facebook official" within the last week. I muted her on social media in the past as part of my healing process as well as deleting our pictures together on Instagram. Through some friends, I found out that she is dating someone, which i really didn't care about. So yesterday, I received a snapchat from her which had a picture of a blanket with hearts on it that I gave to her on a previous Valentine's day. She said, "even though you deleted all of your pictures of me, I still love this blanket." I was taken aback because the only other time I've heard from her was in my birthday when she shot me a text saying happy birthday. Guess the thing I'm wondering is why did she send this snapchat to me and what does it mean?


It means nothing to YOU. So delete it and move on with your life. It may mean something to her, but why bother yourself with someone who left you. You are back into dating and living your life. Ignore her.