you think I will get married again?
I was an emancipated minor at a young age before my teens; the law said I had genial ability and I had one abusive parent. My mother was great but I went through the law and won emancipation from them because she could not control him. I left and married another emancipated minor. We had a child together and I was forced back into my parental care. We did everything right but they still forced us apart. My then husband has the child his family raised them. I'm 54 years of age now. I have two more children one committed suicide the other is intellectually disabled. My then very young husband became famous and I have not been in touch with him since my late teens. I would love to know all my children and reunite with my young husband but how can I get in touch with a famous figure. How can I find my child. Should I move on I am in my fifties and don't have time to waste. I don't go on any dates I haven't had an SO for 15 years this July. I'm not the most attractive but I'm pretty nice not too shabby for my age. I'm really very nice and I Love the Lord. I haven't been pining away for my minor husband all these years but it seems like he was the only one who worked. I know he Loves the Lord too and that makes everything right.
probably not. many people that age don't go around thinking about marriage. usually when they're divorced they stay divorced and will date. they can stay in 1 relationship for YEARS and not get married because there is no point.
i + i
So some forty years years later you want to find your child and former husband - who just happens to be famous now? Thats a long time to have made no effort. This would be seen by them as you looking for a payout, you have to realize that. If suggest you have absolute proof of who you are and your connection to them, but eben then it won't be easy. They've lived a life time without you and may be happy just as they are.
You may marry again, no one her can say for certain one way or the other.
you could try putting their nanne and city and state on the search bar and his address and nunnber nnight conne up or try facebook, also, ask god to help you find thenn since he knows where everyone is
If you continue how you are then maybe never
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