Okay testimony of doctor who performed and oversaw 75 000 abortions-- Still sceptical ?



Sceptical about what? One man's opinion is really irrelevant. It's far more complicated that that.


Never been skeptical, I've assisted in many abortions, some even before Roe vs Wade. And I am still in favor of a woman's right to choose. Its her dicision, not yours and not the governments


<Still sceptical> Skeptical of what? Nobody denies that abortions happen. . Here's some more 'testimony' for you: https://www.google.com/search?q=homicide+and+violent+crime+statistics+usa&client=firefox-b-1-ab&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiwzc6Tss3eAhUfIDQIHYPgDF4Q_AUIEygC&biw=933&bih=435#imgrc=3850iKm-IKkjUM: Beginning exactly 18 years after Roe v. Wade became law in the US, homicide and violent crime rates began dropping like a stone, to current overall levels less than half of what they were in the mid 1990's. Whatever either of us personally feel about abortion, that's the positive social impact of keeping tens of millions of unwanted children off the streets and out of lives of poverty and the crime it engenders. . So...are you still skeptical? Or would you feel more secure if there had been 30 million more criminals on the streets since 1970? . .


I'm skeptical because it comes from a religious site and doesn't show the testimony but the writer's opinion. Now when I changed my mind on abortion is when I watched a video on youtube of a doctor describing the entire procedure from start to finish to a government body to explain how bad and barbaric the procedure is.


You're only able to say that because you were born. We all were, and I'm proud of our mothers.


Globally, 9.2 million children die each year before their fifth birthday; more than 60% of these deaths are seen as being avoidable with low-cost measures such as continuous breast-feeding, vaccinations and improved nutrition but some groups that claim to be supposedly pro-life are also against programs to help people after the baby is born... so yes I am skeptical about some supposedly pro-life groups and their arguments


Sceptical (sic), about WHAT, miss?

Olive Garden

Understood Dr Bernard 's reason, for the sake of $$. He's now an old man and probably felt the need for preparing for a righteous life thereafter.


No, I never doubted that people have abortions. Do people think they are fictional?


The discrepancy is personhood, when a person becomes a person. No one has an answer to this question. The idea that life begins at conception is filled with so many biological problems that it can't be taken seriously. It's just as weird to choose a time of development as indicating "life," such as when the heart beats. Many organisms don't have hearts, and hearts can beat after you're dead. No, some doctor talking about dirty politics and how surprised he is that organic bodies make a mess does not convince me of anything.


I'm skeptical of anyone the pro-life movement puts forth. They're known for their dishonesty.


Unbiased source I see


Not in the least. The most common model chosen by Planned Parenthood, etc., is the poor, unwed mother on welfare. In fact, these are the least likely to get abortions. The majority of abortions are performed on women who are quite capable of supporting a child but simply don' want to be bothered.


Not in the least. The most common model chosen by Planned Parenthood, etc., is the poor, unwed mother on welfare. In fact, these are the least likely to get abortions. The majority of abortions are performed on women who are quite capable of supporting a child but simply dont't want to be bothered.


Not sceptical but disgusted. What is wrong with contraception, surely it is better than murder?

Joy thru apathy

Catholic and education what an oxymoron


Ever notice how all those who support abortion have already been born?


"catholiceducation.org" You betcha I'm sceptical!


links dont work for a long time...I AM DISGUSTED by this statistic...ick