Are feminists mad that mgtow men refuse to catcall them...?


Dont Call Me Dude

Get treatment for your OCD. How many times are you going to ask the same "question"? (Loosely defined)


There he goes again. 🙄 Still false. Nobody gets mad about MGTOW not catcalling them. Feminists would prefer that men not harass anyone. 👩 🤐 📅📅 For two years now, Mick Dash has been repeatedly begging for people here to agree that feminist women hate MGTOW for _not_ catcalling them: • May 10, 2017: "Do feminists hate mgtow men because mgtow men refuse to catcall them?" • May 12, 2017: "Do you agree the reason feminists hate mgtow so much is that mgtow men refuse to catcall them?" • May 17, 2017: "Why are feminists so mad about mgtow? Is it because mgtow men refuse to catcall them?" • May 21, 2017: "If mgtow men would catcall feminist women, would feminist women quit hating them? Are feminist women just mad that mgtow men refuse to catcall them?" ... • December 1, 2018: "T or F : mgtow is making it harder than ever for women to get catcalls, and that makes feminist women very angry...?" • December 2, 2018: "Why do feminist women get mad at mgtow men who refuse to catcall them...?" Mick seems to obsessively fantasize about women so desiring his sexual harassment that they hate him for withholding it. Never gonna happen. 👩 😞


Rachel fee and nyomi fee is what would happen if a feminist had a son


Decidedly not.