How many days before my credit card payment is due should I make the payment?



2 if online, 5-7 if by mail

amy lynn

Interest won't be charged again until a few days after the due date, so there is no concerns about added interest by waiting until the due date. So - the next issue is the method by which you intend to pay. If you are mailing a check - then pay at least five days early to allow for mailing time. If you are paying on your bank's bill pay service but your card is with a different bank - then check your bill pay service to see how many days it takes to process. The common amount is two BUSINESS days, so paying it two or three days before the due date is a good idea. Remember, weekends don't count since they are not business days. A payment made on Friday would be received on a Tuesday, not Sunday. If you are paying directly on your credit card's website - then you can usually make the payment on the due date - but it is still better to pay a day or two before so that you don't "forget" and miss the date.


If you log into the credit card web site and have them pull it from your checking, you can make it the day the payment is due. Use te "one time payment option.


Are you paying the entire statement balance or just a portion? If you pay the entire statement balance on or before the due date. no interest is charges. In that case leave the funds in an interest bearing account until close to the due date. If the card is with your bank, you should be able to pay on line on the due date without a problem If the card is with another issuer, allow time for the check to arrive in the mail and be processed (7-10 days) If you are only paying part of the balance. pay it as soon as you can. Interest is charged on the average daily balance and paying quickly reduces that balance


None. Pay it online on the day it's due.

G. Whilikers

You should pay as soon as you know how much the bill is (whenever possible). Every day you owe money is a day they charge interest on it.