Potty training two year old boy?

So my son use to sit on the potty for us once in awhile and then he got over it and doesn’t want to sit on it. But the past week while I give him a bath, he’ll actually hold his wiener and start peeing in the tub lol so I feel like that was a sign that he should start potty training. Anyone have suggestions on how? Maybe one of those fun urinals? I’m not sure


Standing in water makes most people need to pee. He doesn't sound ready for potty training yet. When he is, you just use a regular toilet. You aren't going to have novelty urinals when you run to Target and he needs to pee. For the record, if you're a parent, you're old enough to call it a penis.


Here are some other signs. He grasps at his diaper. He says I went pee/poop. He tells you when we went). He sits on a toleit/potty. He understands what it is. He poops on a regular schedule. He is dry for 2-3 hours. Waking up dry after a nap. He can follow some directions. Also maybe so because some start between 18-24 mouths well other not till 3. Hope I helped


It's too early.

Carolynn M

Maybe you could start right now calling his penis a penis, not a weiner. Strange.


His weiner? Peeing in the tub doesn t mean he is ready for potty training. And depending on how old he is (a very young 2 is probably not ready -- a close-to-3 year old may well be) it s hard to say how successful you will be. I don t think much of novelty potties. Kids learn to use the toilet when they are physically or emotionally ready. And if they are NOT ready, potties that sing or spin around or dispense toys or whatever will just upset and frustrate him when he can t gain those rewards. There are many books on potty training. Which method will work best for your son -- no idea. Many people like naked training -- strip him below the waist and let him run around bare with a potty near-by. When he starts to pee, suggest he try the potty next time. If if he is ready,he should get the idea pretty quickly.